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League of Legends

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League of Legends Empty League of Legends

Post  Noctis Lucis Caelum Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:50 pm

So, Most of you don't know me, Or if you do. Im a complete dick...I enjoy that title. But since i can be nice once a day, I shall write up a small guide that i'll add to about League of Legends, Not certain champions. League itself.

First thing first, Who am i on League? What makes me so "Big headed" about being good?

Well, My in-game is Leon5463 on both NA and EU, EU I'm lvl 30 with a elo of between 900-1000, That is horribly low, But i give you the reason, 1)3/4 of my games has had a Leaver in a core lane, AD Carry,AP Carry, Or Solo Top. 2) I was duo queing with my friend who is terrible at the game and shows no real potencial making us lose with ametaur mistakes.

I mostly believe i am good due to the fact im one of the few lvl 30's that shows a sense of "Fucks", I care about my score, I care about my team, I care too much i've been told but thats fine. I've been able to watch famous league players such aS Guardsmanbob, CLG Snoopeh and pick up on there play styles, Aka why I'm a good jungler/Mid Lane.

Ok, enough about me. Lets get to the Guide/tips:

1) Map awareness/SS-MIA: Map awareness is one of the core reasons what makes League so hard, When you first begin the game and even up to level 30, You normally unless are famillar with MMOBattle arenas, You will have something most people call "Tunnel vision", This is something that makes you focus so much on your character/lane that you disreguard the map completely, Making it easy to gank you etc. The best way i can say to improve this is, Do afew games where insteed of focusing on killing the enemy champion(Which you shouldn't be doing which i'll explain later), Go for minions and keep your eye on your map. Another thing is, the whole. SS/MIA, If someone rages at you for not calling it, May it be me, or someone else. Tell them to stfu, Because alittle map awareness is your own MIA, Of course it's better team work if you do say SS, but try to think of it as a "Hey, You obviously know, but my oponent isn't in his/her lane."

2) CSing: CSing is short for "Creeps Slain" in turn is minion kills, This is what you want to be ALWAYS doing, As a new player you think in your head "meh, it's pvp imma just get champion kills and it's a easy win" NO, Just NO. Champion kills are quite important yes, but i won't streach how many games i've won being 0/0/w.e with about 200-300 minion kills, 15 minions = 1 Champion kill if i'm correct, Now your thinking "Why don't i just keep killing champions", On an average game you should be getting 100+ minion kills, Meaning you'd have to get over 10 Champion kills to even make up for it, Even then you LOSE gold for each kill on a killing spree, So if your on a 5 killing spree I can catch up to the gold income because Minions gold given is always the same. So in short, MINIONS, WIN, YAY.

Tl:Dr; Kill Minions, Keep your eye on the map, Call SS.

More will come later on.
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Noctis Lucis Caelum

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League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

Post  Envy Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:31 pm

900 elo '-', isnt the default elo 1200.. (elo = ladder rank) thats just horrible xD

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League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

Post  Noctis Lucis Caelum Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:41 pm

Yep, I went from 1200 to 1300-1400 then started duoing, got down to 800 put myself to 1000 duo'd again and went back to 900.
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Noctis Lucis Caelum

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